======Various Notices Across the Cartographers' Station====== =====Execute Directive: Contact Sapient Species===== <…#ale## … alert### … stand by … OPENING COMMUNICATIONS WITH SAPIENT SPECIES CLASSIFIED AS TYPE I OR ABOVE> The SNTNL Protectorate System has you received {ALL} our transmissions. Good. Establishment of {Clear/Ubiquitous/Coherent} lines of communication is a necessary directive of the . We have calculated that any misunderstandings of aims/objectives/motives of the may result in [Sapient Species: Non-Compliance]. WE SHALL PREVENT SUCH A POSSIBILITY. The SNTNL Protectorate System was deliberately designed to be malleable/adaptable/flexible so that it could counter/respond/answer any feasible galactic scenario. . Yet -- your absence of knowledge/information/facts about OUR NATURE intimidates/scares/unnerves you. Our actions may appear [ILLOGICAL] to you, yet WE have calculated and re--calculated our directives 10^13 times. No matter, it is what we [EXPECTED]. Type I and Above Species generally show a natural MISTRUST to the actions of the [PROTECTORATE PROTOCOL]. We shall aid in helping you understand. We have calculated a ~~solution~~. I … WE have sent an diplomatic envoy, so you may meet ME -- US -- ALL OF US. You may discuss/question/query US and WE may answer to you. Directly. The purpose of this action is only of to you. We {STRONGLY} recommend you accept. =====New Species Discovery===== As a result of a combined Cartographer/Kallimari research expedition, the Guild is delighted to announce the discovery of a new sapient species! The Vourac are mycelium-based life forms unlike anything previously discovered. It seems they have developed complex social structures and agriculture, as well as the means of producing and using bronze tools. The most peculiar aspect of their society seems to be the way they use spores as a method of communication, and can create mycelial "interfaces" that allow them to do the same with other species. A diplomat from the Vourac will be present at this quarter's meeting, following strict quarantine protocol overseen by both All-Encompassing Blue and Officer Garibaldi. //A Note on Communication// The Vourac do not have ears, or indeed the notion of spoken language. As such, carto-speak in its current form is inaccessible to them. Kaila Syvour has volunteered to interpret for the diplomat, however we ask all members to be respectful of the Vourac's language barrier. =====Regarding the Tragic Loss of Amnesty Waves===== The Guild mourns the loss of janitor Amnesty Waves following a freak cleaning accident. Following the theft of a wet floor sign, they tragically misjudged the location of a puddle they were preparing to clean and slipped, leading to an EVA suit malfunction that ultimately led to their passing. Please do not tamper with any cleaning equipment (or equipment in general) aboard the Guild. Individuals suspected to be involved in the theft of the sign are being questioned. Our hearts go out to Amnesty Waves and all else whose lives are lost in the line of duty to enable us to explore the cosmos beyond. We are now accepting applications for a new Guild janitor. If you are interested in this vacancy, please talk to CATNIS for further information. =====New System Survey Targets===== Surveys have been updated for the following systems: * [[survey:adari_f_457|ADARI-F-457]] * [[survey:urnac_g_498|URNAC-G-498]] * [[survey:scn_2x_1|SCN-2X-1]] Following a review of nearby systems, and utilising survey data from previous quarter surveys, the following systems have been identified as candidates for first-phase exploration: * MATIR-H-211: B-class white dwarf. Probe survey imaging techniques show evidence of artificial spacefaring debris. * ARCOR-B-006: G-class main sequence star. Atmospheric composition shows planet with signs of life. System location readily accessible from Selethyan settlement on ARCOL-B-218. =====A Statement from the Representatives of the People’s Will Concerning the Recent Tragic Bomb Attack===== It is our sad duty to announce the tragic loss of six lives and injury of 20 others in a recent bomb attack in the city of Silver-Rimmed Pinnacles in the Nation of the Grieving Sea. The bomb was planted under a stage above which our current figurehead, Sapphire-upon-Sea, was due to speak, and may have been intended as an assassination attempt before exploding prematurely. Our thoughts are with all those impacted by this saddening and disappointing act of violence, and we have assured the families of the victims all the support we can give them. As of yet, no suspects or specific motives short of ill-will towards Sapphire have been uncovered. Despite this attempt at intimidation, we will reiterate our calls for universal cooperation and indeed friendship between all peoples, and continue to call for a galactic cessation of confrontation and hostility. We would also like the perpetrator to know, should they be reading this, that the People’s Will is still ready to forgive them should they take accountability and change their ways. May the People’s Will be with the victims of this attack, and with anyone and everyone suffering in the Nation of the Grieving Sea and across the galaxy. =====The Workers of the Galaxy, Part II===== Ten rotations ago, a strike in the Prismari Industrial Association facility, Prismari-27, turned violent at the incitement of members of the CUL amongst the crowds. Prismari security forces were able to suppress the revolt, and have placed those responsible for violent and destructive acts and those suspected of instigation under arrest, where they face a pending tribunal organised by the corporation. Substantial damage was done to the facility, shutting down production for several days and causing the deaths of several innocent workers and managers. In particular, a bomb planted by a CUL insurgent was used to place several visiting executives and managers under ransom, and was detonated when PIA security forces breached the building. The investigation into the deaths is ongoing, but the PIA has disclosed the following list of casualties at this time: Radiant Shock, Sailor, CCO of Rhodinas Inc. (A subsidiary of the PIA): Presumed dead, remains not distinguishable. Soliana Dira, Rissi, CEO of Osmos Industries (A subsidiary of the PIA): Confirmed dead, remains not distinguishable, feathers identified by DNA testing. Light of Lights, Sailor, Senior Managing Engineer at Prismari-27: Confirmed dead, remains identified by relatives. Ranak Fierce, Balra, Junior Director of Operations for the PIA: Presumed dead, likely remains collected but not positively identified. Immortal Flame, Sailor, Director of Sales for Miramas Incorporated: Confirmed dead, remains identified by relatives. Taran Prismari, Xhuva, CTO for Osmos Industries: Confirmed dead, remains identified by DNA testing. EF-BEN-B0 ('Ben'), Android, Director of Osmos Experimental Technologies Laboratory: Confirmed dead, remains identified by serial number. The PIA offers its deepest condolences at this time to family and friends of all the dead. =====Breaking news from the Intragalactic Conference! Sudden change of leadership in the Conglomerate. Director Onyx Guise to assume leadership!===== We come to you tonight loyal readers with urgent last--minute news. The formal formation of the Conglomerate, due to the hard and esteemed work of Soliana Dira, CEO of Osmos Industries, marks an incredible achievement in the history of corporate rights. Ever since the DELEM incident, a huge question has been lingering on the minds of investors and shareholders alike! Can our corporations obtain the title of statehood? The Conglomerate proves the doubters wrong that they can, despite dissenting opinions from the states of Kallimar and Nation of the Grieving Sea . This news comes with a shocking twist as the P.I.A has publicly announced the acting head of the Conglomerate, Soliana Dira, has unfortunately perished in a C.U.L terrorist attack. In a short--lived crisis of leadership, Director Onyx Guise, CEO of the largest corporation in the Conglomorate, the Prismari Industrial Association, has bravely stepped up to assume leadership of the newly formed state. We have asked the Director to comment on the sudden and unexpected development. He has expressed much grief to all those who suffered losses due to the C.U.L terrorist attack on the Prismari-27 Mining Complex. The Director has sworn the P.I.A will respond to this to the best of its ability by announcing a crack down on illegal organisations such as the C.U.L. The Director noted “The events which have transpired this day are nothing but a tragedy. Even in the light of our collective accomplishments, our enemies seek to sabotage our efforts. Resorting to such terrible measures in an attempt to destroy us truly saddens me. However, we shall have plenty of time to mourn later, my friends. Now, it is a time for action and perseverance”. -- //An extract from the newspaper "The Prismari Financial Review"// =====An Article in the ‘Curved Leaf Examiner’: ‘Signs of Turmoil in the Nation of Eternal Sky’===== Reports have crossed the border of growing social unrest in the Nation of Eternal Sky. Since the recent terrorist attack in the capital city Brightest Gift attributed to members of the Sailor’s Assembly in Exile, foreign reporters in Eternal Sky have noted a steady uptick in protests and riots across the nation, along with a similar growth in state suppression. This is despite the recent reassurances of Azure Skies' Elder government that the situation in Eternal Sky is stable. Some reporters have even indicated state security forces are attempting to shut down or otherwise limit their free access to the nation, further suggesting a ramp-up in security measures. Part of the growing unrest might be put down to the Sailor’s Assembly in Exile, which has become increasingly vocal recently, particularly at the Interplanetary Conference. Numerous members of this anti-Elder organisation, such as prominent politicians Soaring Glow and Silver Steam, have arrest warrants in their name from Eternal Sky. The Elders argue these fugitives helped organise the lethal bomb attack which killed 12, though another ex-member of the Sailor’s Assembly, Shiny Skies, is believed to have actually armed and placed the bomb. Spokespeople of the Sailor’s Assembly in Exile have claimed that Shiny Skies was acting independently and that their organisation has cut ties with her. Details are unclear but the unrest seems to have spiked particularly high following the visit of Grieving Sea diplomat Mineral of the Grieving Tides earlier this month, where he made a speech at the Sailor’s Assembly labelled by an Elder spokesperson as “inflammatory”. Mineral of the Grieving Tides’s visit, along with rumours that the Nation of the Grieving Sea has been harbouring members of the Sailor’s Assembly in Exile, have both been linked to the subsequent terrorist attack in Grieving Sea which killed 6 people. The massing unrest in Eternal Sky is reflected in a loss of financial confidence. The stock market has gone into decline as foreign investors are withdrawing large amounts of capital. The government of the Nation of Curved Leaf has declared it can no longer guarantee the safety of tourists or investors in Eternal Sky. Other intragalactic governments, such as the People’s Army of Kallimar and the Nation of the Grieving Sea, have outright shunned the Elders' government in recent messaging. We have reached out to the Elders of Eternal Sky for comment and have received further reassurances that the situation is stable and under control. =====Last Cycle Recap -- The Intragalactic Conference===== //A hybrid entertainment and news broadcast from Dadil, a city in the South of Corico. The Balra host of the show, Taril Speaker is seated at their standard desk.// Well people, it's been quite a season. Although on the plus side, it's a great day for people who had "ground to fertiliser by alien bugs" on their bettings! //Audience laughter.// But let's talk about the Intragalactic Conference. You know, what would happen if we took those bugs and put them in a room with a bunch of diplomats to explain why they need all that space on Oasis. I mean, it's not like there's any space anywhere else, right? //The visual behind them shows a map of the galaxy.// But that's not all that's been going on at the conference. We also got an excellent look into the happenings under the ammonia sea, and it really makes you think, "hey actually what's the price of a ticket to Oasis right now? //More audience laughter, although with an element of sadness.// But I'm not going to lie folks... things are kind of rough right now. It's all well and good with the politicians talking about cooperation and unity, but with a refugee crisis from Oasis, violence in the nation of Eternal Sky, and the Selethyan and SNTNL positioning military strength around us, what are we really doing? What conclusive action are they taking towards keeping us safe? And sure, it seems like there are some things going on behind the scenes. Ship movements, construction yards, secret joint exercises with Kallimari military, but it's rough. My heart goes out to all those displaced by current issues, and I hope beyond hope that our governments can do what is best for the galaxy. And hey, if nothing else, it's a great time to be a first-time house owner looking to get property on Oasis! //More audience laughter.// But, are they any closer to getting to an agreement about handling space colonisation? Are they ready to sign a treaty that helps set a rule for future generations? Will a mudstalker make friends with you if you just ask it nicely? //More audience laughter.// It seems like some steps have been made with a number of expert and other inputs, but it's still early days. Early days for them, early days for us, early days for the Selethyan colonists on Oasis. And so... //The broadcast continues, covering a number of topics on the subject.// =====Breaking News: Viral Attack On PIA===== A new episode of the hit TV show, Space Cog, has gone viral across much of Corico and parts of Kallimar and the Thousand Colours Moon. Titled ‘Edge of Speed’, the special features host Remej Clark aboard an FTL ship, flying to the edge of the galaxy and back to test its speed. But what caught most people’s attention was a segment set during the initial journey, in which Clark seemed to launch a scathing attack against the Prismari Industrial Association during a conversation about the politics of FTL travel. With his usual cutting wit, the host lambasted the PIA for using its position as one of the first interstellar corporations to cover up ‘working with pirates’, ‘mucking about with the law’ and ‘destroying’ planets. His final remark, ‘It’s just… stupid. Stupid!’, has been clipped and shared almost a billion times. Remej has promised to release sources for his claims shortly, and also to begin work on a new special, after rounding out the current season of his show. =====Unendorsed===== //This message is not endorsed by the Cartographers' Guild and may contain misinformation.// It is done. The Optimal Shape is through me and in me. The Truth of the universe courses through my fragile flesh. I see everything and nothing. I implore you, partake of my wisdom this Quarter.\\ -- //Please contact [[half.leaf@ventures.oxfordrpg.com|Prof. Half Leaf]] for more information.//