======System Name: ARCOL-B-218====== **Survey Status**: Complete \\ **System Type:** Unitary\\ **Star Classifications:** K4V\\ **Astronomical Objects:** * ARCOL-B-218 I * Satellite A * ARCOL-B-218 II * Satellite B * Satellite C * ARCOL-B-218 III * Satellite D * Satellite E * Asteroid Belt * ARCOL-B-218 IV * Satellite F * ARCOL-B-218 V * ARCOL-B-218 V-M1 * ARCOL-B-218 VI * ARCOL-B-218 VII =====Cartographer Comments:===== * The society who inhabited the world before their apparent destruction by the current inhabitants had a museum in their capital city. * The imagery in this museum powerfully conveys a now-vanished mythic reality. * They apparently interpreted the coming of the current inhabitants as a plague unleashed by their deity for sin. * This was a stratified society, earlier in its history at least, but the museum saw fit to preserve relics of ordinary people's lives, including what appear to be letters from conscripted soldiers. * The current inhabitants showed us around the museum, and allowed us to leave non-violently. It is unclear how they perceive their people's past actions. It is unclear if this was a penance, or a threat. -- First Talon Alatharyel Nirees-Singreen * The expedition discovered archaeology consistent with an extinct species, whose history was preserved in a museum. * This species created art, and was capable of space travel. * The language of the current inhabitants consists largely of the clicking of mandibles. * We should approach the current inhabitants with caution and understanding. We should not attempt to take advantage of them, or engage in violence. -- Lightning Meets the Sea * It is clear these beings are intelligent, and have a much wider scope of exploration than the guild. * The bulletin notes that these creatures have experience with warfare, and though I saw depictions of it, we were not treated as hostile at any point during our encounter with this species, in fact the opposite; they were gentle, inviting and curious - so I would not feel immediately afraid of these beings. * Communicating through images proved an incredibly effective method of communication and it was reciprocated with both parties. * If any future contact is made with these creatures, I urge the guild to keep a gentle and open approach as I did, and lead with curiosity and kindness. * They are not a resource to be exploited, but could be allies to learn from and learn with. -- Saul-tii =====ARCOL-B-218 I===== Barren planet with very little atmosphere. Not suitable for life. Artificial satellite in orbit. =====ARCOL-B-218 II===== Methane-based atmosphere, though no liquid content. Very high surface temperatures, though the poles have been able to support a small research outposts during the expedition, potentially good candidates for terraforming. More research required. Very high mineral content in south pole. Two artificial satellites in orbit. =====ARCOL-B-218 III===== Planet occupied by a non-native insectoid life form. Archaeological evidence of a previously sapient species remains, though many of their structures and landmarks repurposed. Atmosphere is oxygen-based, with varied biomes and ecologies, although in some cases unclear which organisms are native to the planet or specialised insectoid bio-forms. 5 distinct continents, with several mineral-rich areas near the equator. No moons, though 2 artificial satellites orbit it. =====Asteroid Belt===== Dense asteroid field, rich in sulphur. Many asteroids hollowed out and inhabited by insectoid "scout" organisms. Unlike other satellites in the system, the scouts here traverse between satellites, creating a small sub-hive within the belt. Appears to be no queen. =====ARCOL-B-218 IV===== Small gas giant, green hue. Not suitable for life. Eight moons, none of which support life, with an artificial satellite in orbit. =====ARCOL-B-218 V===== Small gas giant, purple hue. Not suitable for life. 6 moons, of which one, Arcol V-M1, may be capable of supporting ammonia-based life. =====ARCOL-B-218 VI===== Large gas giant, covered in surface storms. Hue ranges from yellow to orange, dependant on weather patterns. Visible rings surround planet. Dozens of moons, though count is incomplete. =====ARCOL-B-218 VII===== Small rocky planet, with pronounced oblate shape. Seemingly formed from two pieces of debris fusing over millennia through the force of their own gravity. ====Satellites A-F==== Small insectoid colonies/outposts orbiting Arcol I-IV, containing insectoid specialist "scout" organisms that seemingly act as an "early warning system". An average scouts' lifespan is ~half a year, although the exact timeframe could not be determined, and the population is replenished approximately every quarter of a year. Once a scout is taken to its satellite, it spends the remainder of its life there.