Lightning Meets The Sea

Player Name: Maisie M
Player Pronouns: she/her

Species: sailor
IC Pronouns: she/her/ne/nir

Physical Appearance: A maroon-coloured Sailor, nir body dappled with algae – the patterns depict waves split by land, ceaseless storms rolling in, and yet, many arms joined as one. The bipedal suit she swims within is unblemished, a new model, not even adorned with bioluminescence; the ‘fishbowl’ atop, however, has its inner surface plastered with research notes. When ne starts communicating, her tentacles flare with light before ne pauses and switches to Carto-speak; the control panel is abandoned in favour of an instinctual attempt to shake arms, before hitting glass.

Public Bio:

What would happen if the Grieving Sea – a Nation whose mythos categorises itself by longing and loss; a community infused with the Sailor’s Will striving for freedom; a geography defined by being the largest ammonia sea of the planet; always reaching out for touch, but not yet having been the first to make it without a helping arm – finally did so on its own terms? In the nascence of faster-than-light (FTL) travel, there is no doubt that new sapient species shall step onto the galactic stage; when those species are understood, talked to, invited up onto a platform to speak as an equal, will the Grieving Sea’s cultural narrative push them to be the first arm offered?

Lightning Meets the Sea, ‘Reaching (for the stars): touch, mythos, faster-than-light travel and the Nation of the Grieving Sea’