The following is a transcript of a debate between Symphonic Waves of Chromatic Light and Cogur Hiddenor, representatives from the Nation of the Grieving Sea and the Corico Forum, respectively. Transcription begins with a statement from Chromatic Light.
“In keeping with the tenets of the People's Will, we ought to keep an extended arm reached out towards these new life forms. A peaceful solution can still be reached, should we strive to find it. No, it shall not be an easy task, but I ask you, what task worth accomplishing has ever been easy? Both have shown themselves capable of reason, of compassion, understanding and empathy. Together we can reach that, building a better world together. I thank you for your time.”
There's a pause, as Hiddenor takes the stand.
“this is all well and good as a hypothetical, but how would you apply it to real-galaxy events?”
A pause, with some murmurs.
“You preach of trust and goodwill, but where's the trust and goodwill afforded to us? A billion Balra have been displaced, made homeless, evicted. What good will an extended arm to the Selethyan do to them? Or SNTNL? All they've brought is death, destruction and misery. Oasis as a culture is dead. Gone, irrevocably. Sure, the people are alive, but scattered in disparate corners of the cosmos. What good has the People's Will done to the people of Oasis? We need practical solutions, not wishy-washy handwaved calls for peace and prosperity. Do we want to be a glorified talking shop, or a council who makes a positive difference in the galaxy?”
“Ms. Hiddenor, the People's Will is simply a moral framework, one which supports our actions of–”
“What actions? Refugees have been flooding in thick and fast, due to a war we have no say in, and yet you still call for peace? They have shown their hand, it is time we responded in kind. We are not pushovers, and we ought to make sure they know that.”
Unintelligible. Many voices speaking at once, drowning out the speakers until called for order. Symphonic Waves of Chromatic Light is called to make a closing statement.
“Yes, we have been hurt. Yes, Oasis has been struck an unimaginable blow. But war? We have lost so much, and yet we would lose so much more if we give in to bloodshed. Please, hold your ground, but let it be common ground that you hold. We can find a solution, one that benefits all. I am sure of it.”
Transcription of the discussion between Mover of Many Hearts of the Interstellar Textiles Consortium, a participant in the Conglomerate, and Wing Commander Triska Theeran of Kallimar, at the Intragalactic Conference.
Mover of Many Hearts comes up to the podium, their sleek suit positioned to face outwards towards the rest of the room. Standing at a second podium erected next to them is Triska, full military garb adorning their feathers. The room is sparsely populated compared to its peak, but there are still a notable number of delegates present. Many Hearts opens by speaking:
“Thank you for agreeing to speak with me, Wing Commander. I understand we have quite different perspectives on who, or what, should be able to do things in space.”
“Indeed. What is it that you wish to say?”
“Only that I, and all my other associates, cannot understand the stance that you take with colonisation, and taking authority over other planets. Forgive me, but it seems very much to be a case of inconsistent rules, no? Prematurely declaring certain planets out there as your own, and refusing to let anyone else so much as even survey the terrain on them?”
“If this is a matter surrounding statehood, then I must say: our government has systems of accountability and support in place; to serve the people, as is our mandate. Corporations lack these balances. For too long you have been able to operate independently, without oversight, due to the travel times involved between your spacefaring facilities and our planets. This time is now over.”
“And yet, take a look at what happened to Oasis? Where was the government support there?”
“The events transpiring on Oasis are tragic, but they are not the fault of the Corico Forum. They were spurred on by–”
“They were brought about by Selethyan greed. You know, that most capitalist of species. Oh wait… I mean, truly, Wing Commander, what do you take us for? What do you think we will stoop to? Our greatest crime is wanting to turn a profitable enterprise. The Selethyan have confessed to committing multiple genocides. In this wide and, as it turns out, terrifying galaxy of ours, who is your real enemy?”
“The evils of corporations are well documented, and understood. Reports emerging from Prismari-27 show the squalor and iniquity workers were unjustly subjected to. A life of subsistence is hardly worth more than no life at all.”
“Such a broad generalisation. I condemn the actions of the Prismari Industrial Association. I do not see why this stands as proof that only established governments should have power to build their colonies, and the rest of us are doomed to obey.”
“Do-Loris stands as a thriving example of what an aligned government can achieve, free of the ills of capitalism. Although newly established, it has grown greatly to house people, and is being transformed into a powerhouse for technological innovation. Would your consortium be able to achieve that?”
“Truly: who did give you the right to set up there? Your high-and-mighty attitude is self-fulfilling. You overreach because no one has the strength to stop you, and then congratulate yourselves when the only thing you allowed to happen works. And then when a threat comes along that you can't just bully with promise of violence, you give them an entire world!”
“I think we are done here, Many Hearts. Do-Loris has a strong and stable legislature, overseen by its reliable commissioner, Wing Commander Velraisil Selet-Alathemanay, and is emerging to be a cornerstone of development for our collective galaxy. We could not guarantee any semblance of security if it were overseen by a company with opaque accountability and ambiguous intention.”
“Indeed, I think we are done here Triska. You're too wrapped up in your ideology to realise that we are not your enemy here.”
UPDATE: Comments have been disabled on this article, in light of recent events.
Conference Proceedings are cancelled until further notice.
Following the attack on the Cartographers' Station, and interruption at the Retreat substation…
The Sky-Marshal steps up to the podium upon the stage, shuffling a few sheets of paper as she comes to stand in place.
I had not expected – nor hoped – to make this speech today, and so I must offer my humble thanks to this conference's organisational staff for managing to accommodate me. I must offer, too, my humble apologies for the role played by the People's Army of Kallimar in the recent attack on the Cartographers' Guild, which I would like to talk on briefly.
I would like to begin by assuring you all that it was not the decision of the Executive Council, nor the will of the Assembly of Kallimar, to launch offensive action against one of our most dear allies. As far as we have been able to determine, it was an action decided on by a small number of mid- to high-level regional officers, primarily in the Do-Loris system.
The Assembly has acted to strip several individuals suspected to be responsible of their official position, and as the executor of the Assembly's will it falls to me to make the following announcements.
Wing Commander Satom Tas-Alathemanay is, at present time, believed to be the primary individual responsible for the attack. Satom has been removed from his post as the Commanding Officer of the 1st Do-Loris Armed Wing, and may be subject to a formal defrocking pending the result of his trial. At the current time, he has placed in custody on Kallimar.
Vice Marshal Roran Selet-Alathemanay has been found to have used her influence to place more military assets under the control of those individuals who acted against the Guild. While the extent of her involvement is not known, and her culpability has not yet been determined, in light of this it would be inappropriate for her to continue with her current position as Ambassador to the Cartographers' Guild. In recognition of her long career of exemplary service to the People's Army, she shall be permitted to retain her rank.
Wing Commander Velraisil Selet-Alathemanay participated personally in the attack, and was the highest ranking officer present on the Guild Station during the events. Velraisil has been removed from his position as Commissioner for the Do-Loris Colony. As the rank of Wing Commander was granted recently on the basis of holding that Commissioner office, Velraisil has been demoted to his prior rank of Squadron Commander effective immediately.
Many other lower-ranking officers have also been suspended or removed from their positions, though I haven't the time to list them all here. Instead, if you'll allow it, I shall speak briefly on Kallimar's continued commitment to the interplanetary defensive pact. In light of this incident, myself, the Executive Council, and the representatives of the Corico Forum and the nation of the Curved Leaf, along with the Cartographers' Guild, saw fit to formalise our agreement with one another. In accordance with this, officers of the People's Army will begin direct collaboration with our partners shortly, and shall be expected to treat with the Guild as if it was an officer commissioned by the people of Kallimar. By making this commitment, we hope to make such an attack instigated by a small number of officers as impossible as officers ordering their soldiers to fire upon their own comrades-in-arms.
She pauses for a moment, before picking up her papers.
Again, thank you all for listening. I cannot undo what has happened, but it is my duty as the Sky Marshal of Kallimar to make right all that might be made right, and to prevent such an event from ever occurring again.