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System Name: Spacey MacSpaceface

Formerly PHEMI-E-203.

Survey Status: Incomplete
System Type: Unitary
Star Classifications: K4V
Astronomical Objects:

Cartographer Comments


Medium, molten and volcanic planet. DATA INCOMPLETE

Asteroid Belt

Dense Asteroid Field, abundant in rich in metallic compounds such as Iron, Nickel, Copper and Osmium. Composition of materials suitable for structure, ship and electronic construction projects. Small proportions of asteroids have been hollowed out and completely extracted. Tiny number of unidentified metallic objects found within asteroid Field. Purpose appears to be not for extracting minerals, objects amplify a complex repetitive EM pattern.


Large terrestrial world. Thin atmosphere composed of high nitrogen/oxygen content. Suitable for hosting life. Has large water-based oceans, with two split super continental landmasses among numerous archipelagos. Planet mostly composed of flat plains and lush forested woodlands, with two icecaps at each pole.

Heavily developed infrastructure of local civilisation, producing light visible from orbit. Significant portions of planet woodland replaced with metallic foundations and large structures. Inhabited by some form of advanced Artificial Intelligence. No evidence of organic sapient species. Orbited by two barren moons and numerous artificial satellites. Single powerful signal accompanied by extremely wide range of electromagnetic frequencies broadcast from orbiting satellite-like objects. Source of complex repetitive EM pattern.


Barren moon in orbit of PHEMI-E-203 II displays unusually high metallic composition. Displays levels of local civilisation infrastructure. Various large scale artificial satellites appear to be in construction in orbit by the moon's side.


Completely barren world. Atmosphere made up of high proportions of carbon, unsuitable for life. Large absence of any water based or liquid oceans. Most of the landmass covered by large and dry deserts. High frequency of sand storms visible from orbit. No organic life forms detected, though scans indicate unusual irregularities along the surface that do not appear natural. Possibility of large scale mining operations. More research is required.

Unidentified Object-1

Large metallic object in orbit of PHEMI-E-203 III DATA INCOMPLETE


Large Gas Giant. Brown hue with a single visible ring surrounding the planet. Large proportions of moons in orbit, high gravitational density makes them unsuitable for support of conventional life.

Satellites A-D

Small metallic satellites, accompanied by a dozen of other objects in orbit around PHEMI-E-203 II and PHEMI-E-203 III. Complex and wide range of electromagnetic signals emanates from them. Possibility of satellites purpose acting as communication array. Further research is required.