Table of Contents

Various Notices Across the Cartographers' Station

In Memoriam: First Talon Dr. Acleaf 'Clea' Singreen

I first met Clea in the library, having just been assigned there as a research assistant. She was a delightful soul to get to know, always kind and caring. She had such interest in literature and language, her passion for the subject was enthralling. Merely her presence was enough to spread to you the same enthusiasm in linguistics which delighted her. She was a natural fit for the role of Head Librarian, and when taking the job, she never looked back.

As a friend, I valued her a great deal. Equipped with a witty sense of humour and strong sense of kindness and virtue, she brightened up the station wherever she was found. I often felt the library was a home from home, a place of comfort and rest, all because of her presence. This is a statement I am sure many other members of the Guild can empathise with, such a positive effect she had on us all.

In the wake of her passing from illness, Clea will be sorely missed by us all. Nin has expressed thanks for all the kind words she's received, from all across the station and beyond, from the many hearts Clea has touched. A memorial service will be held in the coming days, to celebrate and commemorate her memory, and for us to support and comfort each other.
– Bookend

The Intragalactic Conference

Dear friends and associates,

We have seen a great deal of upheaval to the status quo this last year, and this is something to which we must adapt. Historically, there were no conventions to govern the principles of operating in space. While this served its purpose for the time, where a voyage could take years to complete, this is unsuitable for the modern day, where the same voyage may be done in hours. In order to maintain our future cooperation, it is paramount that an agreement is reached as to who the authority is held by, and what standards we must hold ourselves to.

The Guild is not, and should never be, a galactic police force. Our mission is one of research, not one of enforcement. However, it is within our interests to provide the framework and space for an agreement to be made.

And this is where we are now. Over the past quarter, we have been inviting delegates and representatives from the various planetary governments to a conference to be held in a section of the recently-remodelled Retreat substation.

Of course, it would be improper not to consult a wider audience. We have asked, and the delegates have agreed to provide short, keynote speeches at the next quarterly meeting, outlining their stances and ideals. Once the conference is underway, it will also be possible for Guild members and associates to deliver speeches to the assembled panel. The cooperation of all is important in this outcome, not just existing government figures.

We aim for this conference to produce a set of principles and a code by which all who agree will uphold, and make sure that others are being held to. To this end, the agreement of the planetary governments with existing military presence is most important, but agreement with all our partners is desirable. We all live in this galaxy with each other.

This will be no small undertaking of course. The arrival of the Selethyan and others has complicated matters, but we will make do with what we have. This will not be a short affair, but it is an important matter to resolve. For our generation, and those that follow.

– Dr. Arokne Mote

New System Survey Targets

Surveys have been updated for the following systems:

Following a review of nearby systems, and utilising survey data from previous quarter surveys, the following systems have been identified as candidates for first-phase exploration:

System Name Voting Results

Dear Guild members,

The results for the system name voting survey are as follows:





Thank you for your participation. Updates will be made across the Guild system shortly.

– Dr. Kynlith Morophos
Head of Surveys and Geographical Data Science

Addressing Recent Tragedies on System Surveys

Over this Quarter, three Guild members have unfortunately passed away whilst conducting system surveys. We would like to remember:

Our thoughts are with the loved ones of those fallen. Their contributions to furthering our knowledge of the galaxy shall not be forgotten.

The Guild would like to reassure members that the nanomachines discovered on PHENA-E-008 II are easily treatable and their spread has been contained. However, if you encounter the following symptoms, please alert a Guild medic. Additionally, please be aware that the micromachines can infect both synthetic and organic life.

List of symptoms:

– Dr. Kynlith Morophos
Head of Surveys and Geographical Data Science

Prismari Industrial Association under attack!

Recently, breaking news was announced from the Prismari-27 Mining Complex, which reported a deliberate and direct attack upon one of its facilities. Witness testimonies by P.I.A personnel described a small squadron entering the system carrying aboard a conclave of armed and experienced mercenaries.

With much fortune, thanks to heroic actions of P.I.A security personnel the raiders were swiftly dispatched and apprehended with minimal P.I.A casualties. Yet again, we witness superior P.I.A firepower and technology ensuring a galaxy safe from the constant threat of piracy!

After the raid, Director Onyx Guise has been asked to comment about the attack. We received no formal testimony however the Director has stressed to us how, similar to many previous incidents, this was nothing more than an ordinary pirate raid. The incursion was promptly halted by the bravery and experience of P.I.A personnel, which serves yet another reminder to the doubters that the Prismari Industrial Association wields both the pen of diplomacy as well as the fangs of deterrence which ensures a more prosperous galaxy for all.

An extract from the 'Prismari Financial Review'

The Workers of the Galaxy...

This morning, the two thousand, six hundred, and forty-two workers at Kargen Forgeworks formed a picket line around the company's factory in Kargen, a system around sixty light-years spinward of Rylor. The strike organisers claim that such a strong mandate from the workers necessitates serious reform, and have a planned series of speeches this afternoon while they await communication from the company's shareholders.

The Kargen Forgeworks board of directors, located on Corico, released a public statement of refusal to negotiate with the striking workers, claiming that the company's operations are in line with the expectations of Corican trading law. “I intend to travel to Kargen this afternoon,” said Managing Director Saven Tenscale, “If the workers have not returned to their posts, I shall assume that they have tendered their resignations, which they are more than entitled to do.” The statement has received criticism from figures across Corico, citing a right to strike, even in off-world territories.

ADDENDUM: ... Are Free

The strike at Kargen Forgeworks turned violent less than one rotation after it began, with the workers – armed primarily with heavy metalworking equipment and a few rifles – storming the factories and breaking into the managerial quarters, where Managing Director Saven Tenscale was meeting with a group of local executives. At this time, it is believed that Managing Director Tenscale was killed in the ensuing fighting. The workers, now in open revolt, have declared a Provisional Workers' Administration in Kargen, and have made a public statement announcing their plans to re-open the forgework as a co-operative venture.

It is believed at this time that the C.U.L. was involved in this action and may have supplied weapons to the workers, while the People's Army of Kallimar have started making shipments of food, petrol, and medical supplies. Wing Commander Theva Singreen, in charge of the efforts, described their work as a “Humanitarian mission, replacing the now-stopped shipments organised by the Kargen Forgeworks Management.”

A Statement from the Nation of Eternal Sky on the Recent Tragic Terrorist Attack

We, the Elders of the Nation of Eternal Sky, have convened a national day of mourning in memory of the 12 innocent civilians murdered by a terrorist bomb in the capital city. Among the dead was Iridescent Bubble, a much-loved member of the Purple Spirit elder family looking forward to a promising career in politics. 38 other sailors were also injured in this horrific and monstrous attack. We call on the governments of the Thousand Colours Moon and the wider galaxy to join us in condemning this atrocity and forming a united front against those who would divide us with disorder, hatred and murder. We hope we can rely on interplanetary support in the new enforcement measures that will have to be taken to protect our nation from other such acts of depravity. As of currently, the disgraced fugitive and former speaker of the Sailor’s Assembly Soaring Glow is a chief suspect. There will be a large reward for any who can provide any information on her whereabouts, but, likewise, there will undoubtedly be retribution for any who attempt to harbour this dangerous criminal.

Proof of the Elder's Lies -- the Truth of the "Riots" in the Capital

An anonymously-published piece of video footage which shows the events in the Nation of Eternal Sky leading up to Soaring Glow’s initial arrest. The footage clearly shows a huge but entirely peaceful protest in the capital city, culminating in a speech by Soaring Glow. At this point he is arrested without warning by security forces, apparently without any justification. Only after this does the protest begin to become more hostile before tensions are quelled by the arrival of Azure Skies.

Leadership Opening: Head of Transport & Resource Acquisition!

Following a key vacancy, Osmos Industries seeks a dynamic leader to revolutionize logistics, streamline acquisitions, and deliver transformative impact. Step in and redefine our growth strategy! Send CVs through to the Osmos Recruitment Hub or Soliana Dira, CEO.

Peace In Our Time

The Balra of Oasis and the Selethyan hive sKeth have put pen to paper on a treaty of peace and mutual co-existence. Though the Captain of the local Balra militia, Rava Thorn, refused to provide an official comment, a relative, Wrenn Thorn, provided the following statement in her stead:

“Oh, aye! Well, there's a good few things ya can say about these little bugs. One, they're scary. Two, they're much better at lifting a hay bale than I was, even before I did my back in. Three, it seems there's some heart to 'em. They don't have money, but they gave me granddaughter enough of whatever that grey goop they make is to sell and buy a new 'andful of fawns. That's, uh, somethin', right? Shame about the zoning agreement, though. 'ardly feels like a frontier when we can't cross the isthmus any more, eh?”

Similarly, a statement was received from the Selethyan ambassador to the Cartographers' Guild, Kaph sKa Tokht:

“The Swarm is pleased with the outcome of the negotiations on Oasis. With the benefits this symbiosis has had for us… and for you. We have grown stronger since meeting you. We hope that you will grow stronger, too. The Swarm hopes that this nascent symbiosis might expand to encompass a myriad worlds.”

Mysterious Signal

For all Cartographer’s Guild members to whom this may concern,

It has been brought to my attention that this quarter each one of you have received some form of powerful EM signals and/or communications.

I would like to confirm that this signal is indeed a wide-scale phenomenon affecting all our communicators at this present moment. Tracking protocols have identified multiple hidden relay stations as the source of these signals.

Nevertheless, apart from slight disruptions, the signals appear to be mostly harmless. The Cartographer’s Guild has commenced protocols to monitor the signal’s strength and identify its function and/or meaning. We will continue to monitor and provide Guild members with regular updates on any potential future disturbances this may cause. If anyone has any further information, inquiries or questions about this phenomenon, I would be happy to discuss.

– C.A.T.N.I.S Head of Administration and Logistics

Cartographer's Guild Battlemace Tournament Results

It was a pleasure to see so many new players at the Guild's Battlemace Tournament, and I do hope everyone who joined in had fun. We had several memorable moments, tense standoffs, and heroic interventions breaking through the battlelines and claiming victory. However, there can only be one victor, and that title goes to Ashlis Mecan and her Elitus Enginerus, winning all three of her games in spectacular fashion.

Below are the total rankings for the tournament, ranked first by number of victories, then by victory points:


  1. Ashlis (Elitus Enginerus)
  2. Arokne (Muon Empire)
  3. Donnell (Star Lupines)
  4. Do-Loris (Mortons)
  5. Seth (Muon Empire)
  6. Yael (Artworld Elfdar)
  7. Lightning (Despotids)
  8. Kynlith (Urk Warband)

This tournament was dedicated in the memory of Dr. Clea Singreen, who was an inspiration to us all.

Documentary Release!

I, Soldier Borga, am proud to announce the release of my latest documentary, “The Beauty of the Space Around Us: The Cartographers’ Guild”. This is an introspective feature focussing on the celestial phenomena surrounding us right here on the Guild, including the constellations featured on our very own Guild logo. Many thanks to Sweeping Tides for the beautiful artwork used in the documentary.

Please contact Soldier Borga for a copy of the documentary.

A Notice from the Rec Center

Have some spare time between interplanetary expeditions? Frustrated with research and need to let off some steam? Come down to the Recreation Center and play Amidst Us, the new hit multiplayer social deduction game developed exclusively for and in collaboration with the Cartographers’ Guild!
–Humfree Didac

News From Veeris

After an incident at a bar in Veeris earlier this quarter, the City-State government made a request before a circuit judge-advocate-general court to reprimand the Sailor entrepaneur Omnipotent Light by prohibiting her from visiting Kallimar. At this time, details of the incident are not being disclosed to the public to protect both Omnipotent Light and other individuals who witnessed or were victim to the altercation.

“This is the norm under Kallimari law,” commented Advocate and First Talon Doneev Dira, “and does not represent a 'gag order' applying to anyone involved in the incident. It only represents the state's refusal to disclose events in the interests of ensuring fair proceedings, and not giving the weight of the state's word to one side or the other before a decision is made. The court has issued the result of a preliminary hearing approving the city-state's ban order, with a full hearing - to which Omnipotent Light is, of course, invited - being expected to occur later this quarter.”


This message is unendorsed by the Cartographers' Guild and may contain misinformation.

The Truth of the Universe is being buried under discordance! I anticipate this “intragalactic conference” highly, for it is here that that the Optimal Shape must be made a priority! Furthermore, I thank my loyal followers for supporting me, despite the troubles they face!

The Darkness in the Universe continues, but I have found a solution! I shall bravely volunteer myself to be wholly and irreversibly committed to the Optimal Shape! I will be willingly accepting donations from Guild members for my transformation!

Please contact Professor Half-Leaf with your donations, messages of support, and queries.

New Position Available

Applications are open for either the Guild's new Head Librarian or Head of University Correspondence and Research Coordinator. Currently, Bookend is filling in for both roles temporarily.

We are looking for highly experienced, innovative, organised, responsible individuals to fill this vacancy. Please send any CVs to a member of Guild leadership to be considered for the initial stage of the application process.