
System Name: ADARI-F-457

Survey Status: Incomplete
System Type: Binary
Star Classifications: K2V, F3III
Astronomical Objects:

  • ADARI-F-457 I
  • ADARI-F-457 II
  • ADARI-F-457 III
  • ADARI-F-457 IV
  • ADARI-F-457 V
  • ADARI-F-457 VI
  • Asteroid Belt
    • ADARI-F-457 VII-D
    • ADARI-F-457 VIII-D
  • ADARI-F-457 IX
  • ADARI-F-457 X

ADARI IV has sapient life that seem similar to fungi. They produce spores and some sort of secretion. The secretion was present on giant beetle like creatures they were using as beasts of burden for agricultural purposes.

The sapient people do not appear to be able to see but sense things other ways.

I was able to interact with one of these people. They did not seem scared of me and used protrusions from their head to investigate my presence. They did not seem to like that I did not have any of the spores or secretion on me. I left before the situation became dangerous. More research should be conducted on the spores.

I seem to be very good at exploring planets with fungi.

– Squadron Commander Thealynara Veeris

Atmosphere of ADARI III was found to have large amounts of radiation, as well as debris in the atmosphere. However, it was also noted that there is high oxygen density. Some primitive forms of life that feed of the radiation were discovered; it may be possible that more life is present. Potentially habitable?

ADARI V has all necessary conditions for life, and some lichens and planktons have been identified in its oceans.

– Flight Commander Donnell Veeris

Small, rocky planet. [SURVEY INCOMPLETE]

High acid concentration in atmosphere. Preliminary scans show possible ore deposits. [SURVEY INCOMPLETE]

The atmosphere of ADARI III is filled with a high concentration of radioactive dust and debris, making ground-based drone surveys very difficult. There was more success with the manned expeditions to the poles, where less of the radioactive matter settled. Examples of simple life was found there, types of fungi and lichen which seem to feed off of radiation. Samples have been collected for research purposes.

Rich, fertile world, however complex life has only seems to have spread over one continent. There seems to be sapient cultures here. Although the research team was unable to research them closely, there were examples of developed agriculture and sophisticated societal structure. The planet itself has a breathable atmosphere with gravity similar to that of Kallimar and is capable of supporting carbon-based life.

Methane-rich planet with ammonia seas, primitive life found here, mainly plant- and mycelium-based plankton, but also examples of more complicated corals and echinoderms. Temperatures are a few degrees colder than the Thousand Colours Moon, on average. Suitable for ammonia-based life.

Covered in methane ice. A vast extremophile network of fungus and lichen lives in layers beneath the ice, with close genetic similarities to organisms found on other planets in the system. More genetic research desired, otherwise planetary survey is complete.

Some signs of mining. Rich in Plutonium. [SURVEY INCOMPLETE]

Dwarf planet within asteroid belt. Appears mined out. Machinery discovered on and under the surface, dating several thousand years old. The machines are generally mining and interplanetary spaceflight equipment, although far less advanced than ours. Most run on nuclear or hydrocarbon fuel.

Dwarf planet within asteroid belt. Mineral scans show high concentrations of plutonium and uranium. [SURVEY INCOMPLETE]

Gas giant, blue in hue. [SURVEY INCOMPLETE]

Gas giant, purple in hue, visible rings. [SURVEY INCOMPLETE]

  • survey/adari_f_457.txt
  • Last modified: 2025/01/27 23:59
  • by gm_kamil